When other people go to the beach to swim or just lay around, I don’t. Especially if I spot a scene that would be nice to photograph.

I was wondering around, searching for a way to get to the highest point of the plateau covered with sedimentary rocks, when I saw this beauty. Latter I learned about an industrial importance of this flower called passion flower. It was very windy and I had a hard time trying to secure a scene with my body. Luckily I managed to be on someone else’s property (great way to get spotted indeed). It was a nice Croatian lady that helped me with a windshield made out of carton (it was also a good way of removing direct sunlight). This in front of you is a lonely example of a sharp photograph taken that day. Sometimes things just happen out of nowhere. I dedicated this photo to a very pretty girl. I asked her for a permission to sell this photograph and eventually she said yes.